Das Leuchten der Pflanzen – An exhibition about chlorophyll fluorescence

Official opening ceremony 09.07.2018 running till 23.09.2018

The „German Museum of Bonn“ is a science museum presenting highly advanced science in a way you can touch and easily understand it. This is the perfect place for the exhibition “Das Leuchten der Pflanzen (The Glow of Plants)”. The exhibition explains the fascinating side product, which occurs as part of the photosynthesis: a mysterious red fluorescence.

Exhibition Opening

This phenomenon is the chlorophyll fluorescence, occurring every time the plant produces, the oxygen we breathe. Thus, the chlorophyll fluorescence allows conclusions on the plant’s condition and productivity. The exhibition “Das Leuchten der Pflanzen” demonstrates not only the mere effect, but also perspectives and potential of the research on fluorescence.
After the exhibition visit, you surely will look at plants with different eyes!
The exhibition was initiated by the Research Center Jülich IBG-2, developed by students of the Exhibition Design Institute of the Hochschule Düsseldorf and sponsored by the Botanical Garden of the Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, which originally hosted it in summer 2017. JB Hyperspectral was involved as well supplying electronics, knowledge and manpower to setup the exhibition.


Overview on the exhibion-highlights
• Leaves – a marvel
Photosynthesis is processed by some bacteria, algae and mainly by green plants. Leave structure and function of the chloroplasts is vividly demonstrated during the exhibition. The complex biochemical process of photosynthesis happens in this miniscule structures.

• The Darkroom
Every plant shines red! The centrepiece of the exhibition will allow you to see the plants fluorescence naked-eye! It needs only a few accessories to make this effect visible, so try it yourself!

The exibithion

• Research on fluorescence
Chlorophyll fluorescence is in the scope of various research projects. Besides interacting measurement stations around the world, also satellites are utilized for the global investigation of the photosynthesis activities and the plant health. The exhibition allows insights into actual research projects.

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